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Steady Malaysian growth is directly increasing a demand for natural resources. Income gaps are widening, while natural resources are depleting. We examine the many facets of sustainability, from sustainable development, to corporate social responsibility. We explore how the youth play a role in making sure future generations can meet their needs just like us.

We find that culture and arts are both have deep roots in Sarawakian culture; it is an extraordinary presentation of human creativity. Creativity is now just as important as literacy, and should be treated as such. Here we see how we can assist in the development of the creative talent around us, and explore ways to turn artistic talent into sustainable projects that can benefit local communities.

Quality Education
Innovation and Economic Growth

Education has always been the top issue among the youth in Malaysia. The youth of today, are generally not satisfied with the current quality of education. Moreover, even those with sufficient academic qualifications have difficulty getting employed. Therefore, we look at the bottleneck of the educational system, and at the same time, discover action steps to make Malaysian youth more employable.

A booming technology in the recent years means that it is now possible to create larger scale businesses to cater for larger demands. Here, we look at the impact of innovation on economic growth, and how we can leverage on technological advancements to transform us into a high income nation.

Our Themes

Throughout the event, our forum will be focusing on 4 main themes:

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